TITLE III - $1,734,490 (2022-27)

Title III: Strengthening Institutions Program

Title III is a federal government-funded grant that supports support student engagement through improved, proactive student support services designed to increase retention and academic goal attainment. The program helps eligible institutions to become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management and fiscal stability of eligible institutions. Funds may be used for planning, faculty development and establishing endowment funds.

The MCCC Title III grant – dubbed the Strengthening Institutions Program – of $1,734,490 is being allocated to improve student retention, success and the overall educational experience. MCCC has several programs in place – and some new programs that  just started – using the funds from this grant.

Most notably, these include the implementation of the First Year Experience classes focusing on helping students acclimate to the demanding college environment, as well as academic support services to help them choose the right career path and focus on their goals in the long term. Through training and new programs, the college will be prepared to help students meet any and all challenges they may face, increasing success and resulting in higher matriculation rates.

Additionally, Title III will focus on educational programs that increase English proficiency and student academic achievement in the core academic subjects. It will also allow for the development of programs focused on improving instruction and assessment efforts, enhancement of the understanding and implementation of curricula and the broadening of instructional strategies.

Grants Manager

Amanda Althouse
Coordinator of Student Success
Enrollment Management and Student Success
(734) 384-4184